Saturday, March 21, 2020
Hospital Management System Essay Example
Hospital Management System Essay Hospital Management System Project Report On ââ¬Å"Hospital Management Systemâ⬠Submitted By: 1. Mansi Chitkara. 2. Namita Khandelwal. 3. Avinash Chaporkar. Guided By: Mrs. Kapila Pareek Assistant Professor IIIM, Jaipur. Team Number: 09 International School of Informatics Management Formerly India International Institute of Management 1 Hospital Management System CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Hospital Management System embodies the original work done by Mansi Chitkara, Namita Khandelwal, and Avinash Chaporkar during this project submission as a partial fulfillment of the requirement for the System Design Project of Masters of Computer Application IV Semester, of the Rajasthan Technical University, Kota. Swati V. Chande Principal (MCA Department) International School of Informatics and Management Mrs. Kapila Pareek Assistant Professor International School of Informatics and Management 2 Hospital Management System ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success. We are grateful to our project guide Mrs. Kapila Pareek for the guidance, inspiration and constructive suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this project. We also thank our colleagues who have helped in successful completion of the project. Mansi Chitkara Namita Khandelwal Avinash Chaporkar 3 Hospital Management System We will write a custom essay sample on Hospital Management System specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Hospital Management System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Hospital Management System specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer CONTENTS 1. Introduction 1. 1 Purpose 1. 2 Scope 1. 3 Technologies used 1. 4 Overview 2. Overall Description 2. 1 Goals of Proposed System 2. 2 Background 2. 3 Project Requirements 2. 4 User Characteristics 2. 5 Constraints 2. 6 Definition of Problems 2. 7 Alternative Solutions 3. Feasibility Study 3. 1 Technical Feasibility 3. 2 Economical Feasibility 3. 3 Operational Feasibility 3. 4 Schedule Feasibility 4. Data Flow Diagrams 5. Entity Relationship Diagram 6. Data Tables 7. Snapshots 8. Conclusion 9. Bibliography 4 Hospital Management System 1. Introduction 1. 1) Purpose The Software is for the automation of Hospital Management. â⬠¢ It maintains two levels of users:Administrator Level User Level â⬠¢ The Software includes:Maintaining Patient details. Providing Prescription, Precautions and Diet advice. Providing and maintaining all kinds of tests for a patient. Billing and Report generation. 1. 2) Scope It can be used in any Hospital, Clinic, Dispensary or Pathology labs for maintaining patient details and their test results. 1. 3) Technologies to be used This project will be a desktop application to be developed in VB 6. 0 having Ms Access as backend. Database Design (Ms Access) â⬠¢ Form Design (VB 6. 0) â⬠¢ Coding (VB 6. 0) â⬠¢ Testing (VB 6. 0) â⬠¢ Reporting Tool (Data Report) 5 Hospital Management System 1. 4) Overview Project is related to Hospital Management System. The project maintains two levels of users:â⬠¢ Administrator Level-Doctor â⬠¢ User Level-Data Entry Operator Main facilities available in this project are:â⬠¢ Maintaining records of indoor/outdoor patients. â⬠¢ Maintaining patients diagnosis details, advised tests to be done. â⬠¢ Providing different test facilities to a doctor for diagnosis of patients. X-Ray Urine Test Stool Test Sonography Test Gastroscopy Test Colonoscopy Test Blood Test Biochemistry Test â⬠¢ Maintaining patientââ¬â¢s injection entry records. â⬠¢ Maintaining patientââ¬â¢s prescription, medicine and diet advice details. â⬠¢ Providing billing details for indoor/outdoor patients. â⬠¢ Maintaining backup of data as per user requirements (between mentioned dates). â⬠¢ If user forgets his/her password then it can be retrieved by hint question. In this project collection of data is from different pathology labs. Results of tests, prescription, precautions and diet advice will be automatically updated in the database. Related test reports, patient details report, prescription and billing reports can be generated as per user requirements. User or Administrator can search a patientââ¬â¢s record by his/her name or their registration date. Patientââ¬â¢s diet advice can be provided in Hindi. 6 Hospital Management System 2. Overall Description 2. 1) Goals of proposed system 1. Planned approach towards working: The working in the organization will be well planned and organized. The data will be stored properly in data stores, which will help in retrieval of information as well as its storage. 2. Accuracy: The level of accuracy in the proposed system will be higher. All operation would be done correctly and it ensures that whatever information is coming from the center is accurate. 3. Reliability: The reliability of the proposed system will be high due to the above stated reasons. The reason for the increased reliability of the system is that now there would be proper storage of information. 4. No Redundancy: In the proposed system utmost care would be that no information is repeated anywhere, in storage or otherwise. This would assure economic use of storage space and consistency in the data stored. 5. Immediate retrieval of information: The main objective of proposed system is to provide for a quick and efficient retrieval of information. Any type of information would be available whenever the user requires. 6. Immediate storage of information: In manual system there are many problems to store the largest amount of information. 7. Easy to Operate: The system should be easy to operate and should be such that it can be developed within a short period of time and fit in the limited budget of the user. 7 Hospital Management System 2. 2) Background A Hospital is a place where Patients come up for general diseases. Hospitals provide facilities like:Consultation by Doctors on Diseases. Diagnosis for diseases. Providing treatment facility. Facility for admitting Patients (providing beds, nursing, medicines etc. ) Immunization for Patients/Children. Various operational works that are done in a Hospital are:Recording information about the Patients that come. Generating bills. Recording information related to diagnosis given to Patients. Keeping record of the Immunization provided to children/patients. Keeping information about various diseases and medicines available to cure them. These are the various jobs that need to be done in a Hospital by the operational staff and Doctors. All these works are done on papers. The work is done as follows:Information about Patients is done by just writing the Patients name, age and gender. Whenever the Patient comes up his information is stored freshly. Bills are generated by recording price for each facility provided to Patient on a separate sheet and at last they all are summed up. Diagnosis information to patients is generally recorded on the document, which contains Patient information. It is destroyed after some time period to decrease the paper load in the office. Immunization records of children are maintained in pre-formatted sheets, which are kept in a file. Information about various diseases is not kept as any document. Doctors themselves do this job by remembering various medicines. All this work is done manually by the receptionist and other operational staff and lot of papers are needed to be handled and taken care of. Doctors have to remember various medicines available for diagnosis and sometimes miss better alternatives as they canââ¬â¢t remember them at that time. 8 Hospital Management System 2. 3) Project Requirements Hardware Requirements Processor Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV or higher RAM 64 Mb or Higher Software Requirements Operating System Win-98, Win-XP, Linux or any other higher version Database Ms Access Disk Space 130 Mb 2. 4) User Characteristics Every user should be: â⬠¢ Comfortable of working with computer. â⬠¢ He must have knowledge in medical field. â⬠¢ He must also have basic knowledge of English too. 2. 5) Constraints â⬠¢ GUI is only in English. â⬠¢ Login and password is used for identification of user and there is no facility for guest. 9 Hospital Management System 2. 6) Definitions of problems Problems with conventional system 1. Lack of immediate retrievals: -The information is very difficult to retrieve and to find particular information like- E. g. To find out about the patientââ¬â¢s history, the user has to go through various registers. This results in inconvenience and wastage of time. 2. Lack of immediate information storage: The information generated by various transactions takes time and efforts to be stored at right place. 3. Lack of prompt updating: Various changes to information like patient details or immunization details of child are difficult to make as paper work is involved. . Error prone manual calculation: Manual calculations are error prone and take a lot of time this may result in incorrect information. For example calculation of patientââ¬â¢s bill based on various treatments. 5. Preparation of accurate and prompt reports: This becomes a difficult task as information is difficult to collect from various registers. 10 Hospital Management Syste m 2. 7) Alternative Solutions 1. Improved Manual System:One of the alternative solutions is the improvement of the manual system. Anything, which can be done by using automated methods, can be done manually. But the question arises how to perform thing manually in a sound manner. Following are some suggestions, which can be useful in the manual system. A more sophisticate register maintenance for various Patient Information, Doctor diary, Immunization Details and a good system for writing bill amount employees and stock availed for the customers can be maintained at central place. Adequate staff may be maintained so that updations are made at the very moment at the same time. Proper person for proper work should be made responsible so that a better efficiency could be achieved. This needs a lot of work force. 2. Batch System:Another alternative solution can be used of computer based batch system for maintaining the information regarding purchase details, customers and employees. A batch system refers to a system in which data is processed in a periodical basis. The batch system is able to achieve most of the goals and sub goals. But a batch system data is processed in sequential basis. Therefore batch system is not suggested. 3. Online System:This system (HMS) provides online storage/ updations and retrieval facility. This system promises very less or no paper work and also provides help to Doctor and operational staff. In this system everything is stored electronically so very less amount of paper work is required and information can be retrieved very easily without searching here and there into registers. This system is been discussed here. 11 Hospital Management System 3. Feasibility Study Depending on the results of the initial investigation the survey is now expanded to a more detailed feasibility study. ââ¬Å"FEASIBILITY STUDYâ⬠is a test of system proposal according to its workability, impact of the organization, ability to meet needs and effective use of the resources. It focuses on these major questions: 1. What are the userââ¬â¢s demonstrable needs and how does a candidate system meet them? 2. What resources are available for given candidate system? 3. What are the likely impacts of the candidate system on the organization? 4. Whether it is worth to solve the problem? During feasibility analysis for this project, following primary areas of interest are to be considered. Investigation and generating ideas about a new system does this. Steps in feasibility analysis Eight steps involved in the feasibility analysis are: Form a project team and appoint a project leader. Prepare system flowcharts. Enumerate potential proposed system. Define and identify characteristics of proposed system. Determine and evaluate performance and cost effective of each proposed system. Weight system performance and cost data. Select the best-proposed system. Prepare and report final project directive to management. 12 Hospital Management System 3. 1) Technical feasibility A study of resource availability that may affect the ability to achieve an acceptable system. This evaluation determines whether the technology needed for the proposed system is available or not. â⬠¢ Can the work for the project be done with current equipment existing software technology available personal? Can the system be upgraded if developed? â⬠¢ If new technology is needed then what can be developed? This is concerned with specifying equipment and software that will successfully satisfy the user requirement. The technical needs of the system may include: Front-end and back-end selection An important issue for the development of a project is the selec tion of suitable front-end and back-end. When we decided to develop the project we went through an extensive study to determine the most suitable platform that suits the needs of the organization as well as helps in development of the project. The aspects of our study included the following factors. Front-end selection: 1. It must have a graphical user interface that assists employees that are not from IT background. 2. Scalability and extensibility. 3. Flexibility. 4. Robustness. 5. According to the organization requirement and the culture. 6. Must provide excellent reporting features with good printing support. 7. Platform independent. 8. Easy to debug and maintain. 9. Event driven programming facility. 10. Front end must support some popular back end like Ms Access. According to the above stated features we selected VB6. as the front-end for developing our project. 13 Hospital Management System Back-end Selection: 1. Multiple user support. 2. Efficient data handling. 3. Provide inherent features for security. 4. Efficient data retrieval and maintenance. 5. Stored procedures. 6. Popularity. 7. Operating System compatible. 8. Easy to install. 9. Various drivers must be available. 10. Easy to implant with the Front-end. Ac cording to above stated features we selected Ms-Access as the backend. The technical feasibility is frequently the most difficult area encountered at this stage. It is essential that the process of analysis and definition be conducted in parallel with an assessment to technical feasibility. It centers on the existing computer system (hardware, software etc. ) and to what extent it can support the proposed system. 3. 2) Economical feasibility Economic justification is generally the ââ¬Å"Bottom Lineâ⬠consideration for most systems. Economic justification includes a broad range of concerns that includes cost benefit analysis. In this we weight the cost and the benefits associated with the candidate system and if it suits the basic purpose of the organization i. . profit making, the project is making to the analysis and design phase. The financial and the economic questions during the preliminary investigation are verified to estimate the following: â⬠¢ The cost to conduct a full system investigation. 14 Hospital Management System â⬠¢ The cost of hardware and software for the class of application being considered. â⬠¢ The bene fits in the form of reduced cost. â⬠¢ The proposed system will give the minute information, as a result the performance is improved which in turn may be expected to provide increased profits. This feasibility checks whether the system can be developed with the available funds. The Hospital Management System does not require enormous amount of money to be developed. This can be done economically if planned judicially, so it is economically feasible. The cost of project depends upon the number of manhours required. 3. 3) Operational Feasibility It is mainly related to human organizations and political aspects. The points to be considered are: â⬠¢ What changes will be brought with the system? â⬠¢ What organization structures are disturbed? â⬠¢ What new skills will be required? Do the existing staff members have these skills? If not, can they be trained in due course of time? The system is operationally feasible as it very easy for the End users to operate it. It only needs basic information about Windows platform. 3. 4) Schedule feasibility Time evaluation is the most important consideration in the development of project. The time schedule required for the developed of this project is very important since more development time effect machine time, cost and cause delay in the development of other systems. A reliable Hospital Management System can be developed in the considerable amount of time. 5 Hospital Management System 4. Data Flow Diagrams DFD: Level 0 16 Hospital Management System DFD: Level 1 17 Hospital Management System DFD: Level 2 18 Hospital Management System DFD: Level 3 19 Hospital Management System 5. Entity Relationship Diagram login password HMS Login password user do do Login have Admin take write do give write Patient Reg. Login Test Back up do Prescription Test give prescription Patient Reg. 20 Hospital Management System 6. Data Tables 1. Login Table:Field Name User_Name Password Hint_Question Hint_Answer User_Type Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Description . Patient Detail Table:Field Name Registration_No Registration_Date Name Address City TelePhone_Mobile_No Marital_Status Religion Gender Father_Husband_Name Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 21 Hospital Management System Field Name Status Age Data Type Text Number Description Indoor / Outdoor 3. Patient Diagnosis Table:Field Name Dignosis_No Registration_No Dignosis_Date Provisional_Dignosis Remark BioChemistry Stool Blood Colonoscopy Gastroscopy Urine XRay SONOGRAPHY Others Reconsultation_Advice_Week Reconsultation_Advice_Date FINAL_Diagnosis ECG Data Type Text Text Date/Time Text Text Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Yes/No Text Text Date/Time Text Yes/No Description Week Wise 22 Hospital Management System 4. Patient Diet Advice Table:Field Name Dignosis_No Diet_Advice Data Type Text Text Description 5. Patient Medicine Table:Field Name Dignosis_No Medicine_No Medicine_Name Precaution Data Type Text Number Text Text Description Medicine Related Hindi Words No_of_Doses Number 6. Patient Injection Dates Table:Field Name Dignosis_No Injection_Date Status Data Type Text Date/Time Text Description Injection Taken or Not 3 Hospital Management System 7. Biochemistry Test Table:Field Name Registration_No Test_Date Glucose_Fasting_R Two_Hr_Pg_Pp Blood_Urea Creatinine S_Cholesterol Total_Protein Albumin Globwlin A_G_Ratio Game_Gt Alkaline_Ptase Bilirubin_Direct Bilirubin_Indirect Bilirubin_Total Sgot Sgpt Half_Hr_Pg_Pp One_Hr_Pg_Pp One_And_Half_Hr_Pg_Pp Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text T ext Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 70-110 mg % lt; 100 mg % 10-40 mg % 0. 6-1. 5 mg % 130-250 mg % 6. 0-8. 0 gm % 3. 5-5. 0 gm % 2. 3-3. 6 gm % ? . 5 :,-2. 3:1 11-50 UL 10-90 U/L Adult 0. 0-0. 8 mg % 0. 0-0. 6 mg % 0. 2-1. 0 mg % 0-40 U/L 0-40 U/L lt; 110 mg % lt; 160 mg % lt; 140 mg % 24 Hospital Management System Field Name Bun Hdl_Cholesterol Ldl_Cholesterol Vldl_Cholesterol Triglycerides S_Total_Lipids S_Amylase S_Lipase Sodium Potassium Chloride Calcium Ldh_Total Ck_Nac_Activated Ck_Mb_Nac_Activated Uric_Acid Urine_Sugar1 Urine_Sugar2 Urine_Sugar3 Urine_Sugar4 Acid_Ptase Glucose_R_PP T3 Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 8-20 mg % 30-55 mg % 60-165 mg % 0-60 mg % 0-60 mg % 400-700 mg % 25-125 U/L 8-54 Ug/L 136_146 mEq/L 3. 5-5. 0 mEq/L 94-111 mmo I/L 8. 5-11. 0 mg/dl 230-461 U/L 0-190 U/L lt; 12 U/L 4-6 mgdl 0. 3-2. 5 uI U/L 25 Hospital Management System Field Name T4 TSH Data Type Text Text Description 4. 5-12 uI U/L 0. 4-4. 0 uI U/L 8. Blood Test Table:Field Name REGISTRATION_NO TEST_DATE HAEMOGLOBIN TLC Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Description 13-15 GMS% 4500-10500 CELLS/CU MM DLC , 45-68% DLC , 25-45% DLC , 2-6% DLC , 1-4% DLC , 1-2% DLC 0-10 MM IST Hr NEUTROPHILS LYMPHOCYTES EOSINOPHIL MONOCYTES BASOPHILS OTHERS ESR PERIPHERAL_BLOOD_FILM_1 PERIPHERAL_BLOOD_FILM_2 HAEMATOCRIT_PCV TOTAL_RBC PLATELETS COLOUR_INDEX Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text MIL/C. MM CU. MM 26 Hospital Management System Field Name MCHC MCV MCH TEC VEC PARACYTES BLOOD_GROUPING RH_FACTOR RH_ANTIBODY_TILER DIRECT INDIRECT PLASMA_FIBRINOGEN HIV HBSAG WIDAL FOETAL_HAEMOGLOBIN RETICULOCYTES BLEEDING_TIME_MIN BLEEDING_TIME_SEC CLOTING_TIME_MIN CLOTING_TIME_SEC PROTHROMBIN_TIME_CONTRO L SECS_PATIENT_1 Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description FI PG CU. MM 150-400 mg% Text 27 Hospital Management System Field Name SECS_PATIENT_2 PTTK_CONTROL HAEMOLYSIS_START_FROM SALINE_COMPLETE_AT CLOT_RETRACTION_TIME_CRT LE_CELLS ESR_PLATELETS Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 9. Colonoscopy Test Table:Field Name REGISTRATION_NO TEST_DATE ANAL_CANAL RECTUM SIGMOID_COLON DESCENDING_COLON SPLENIC_FLEXURE TRANSVERSE_COLON HEPATIC_FLEXURE ASCENDING_COLON CAECUM TERMINAL_ILEUM Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 28 Hospital Management System Field Name BIOPSY OPINION_1 OPINION_2 Data Type Text Text Text Description 10. Gastroscopy Test Table:Field Name Registration_No Test_Date Esophgus Fundus Corpus Antrum Blub First_Part Second_Part Biopsy Opinion_First Pylorospasm Biliary_Reflux Gut_Hypomotility Opinion_second Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description Esophgus Stomach Stomach Stomach Deuodenum Deuodenum Deuodenum 29 Hospital Management System 1. Sonography Test Table:Field Name Registration_No Test_Date L_Size L_Echotexture Focal_Pathology Ihbr Pv Cbd G_Size Wall_Thickness Lumen P_Size P_Shape P_Echotexture S_Size S_Shape S_Echotexture K_Size_Rt K_Size_Lt K_Shape_Rt K_Shape_Lt Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Liver Gall Bladder Gall Bladder Gall Bladder Pancreas Pancreas Pancreas Spleen Spleen Spleen Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys 30 Hospital Management System Field Name K_Cortex_Rt K_Cortex_Lt K_Corticomedullary_Differentiation_Rt K_Corticomedullary_Differentiation_Lt K_Pcs_Rt K_Pcs_Lt K_Calculus_Rt K_Calculus_Lt Aorta Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys Kidneys Petroperitoneal Structures Petroperitoneal Structures Petroperitoneal Structures Petroperitoneal Structures Petroperitoneal Structures Urinary Bladder Urinary Bladder Urinary Bladder Urinary Bladder Urinary Bladder Prostate Prostate Ivc Text Pre_Paraortic_Lymphadenopathy Text Fluid_In_Peritoneal_Cavity Text Visualised_Bowel Text U_Status U_Wall_Thickness U_Calculus Prevoid_Urinary_Vol Postvoid_Urinary_Vol Pr_Size Pr_Echotexture Text Text Text Text Text Text Text 31 Hospital Management System Field Name Pr_Capsule U_Size U_Position U_Echotexture U_E_Cavity U_Endometrium O_Size_Rt O_Size_Lt O_Shape_Rt O_Shape_Lt O_Echotexture_Rt O_Echotexture_Lt O_Adenexal_Mass_Rt O_Adenexal_Mass_Lt Free_Fluid_In_Pouch_Douglas Impression Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description Prostate Uterus Uterus Uterus Uterus Uterus Ovaries Ovaries Ovaries Ovaries Ovaries Ovaries Ovaries Ovaries Ovaries 12. Stool Test Table:Field Name Registration_No Test_Date Color Consistency Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Description Physical Physical 32 Hospital Management System Field Name Mucus Blood Wbc_Hpf Rbc_Hpf Mecrophages Trophozoite P_Ova P_Cyst C_Ova C_Cyst Occult_Blood Ph Red_Sub Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description Physical Physical Micoscopic Micoscopic Micoscopic Parasites Parasites Parasites Concentration Method Concentration Method Special Test Special Test Special Test 13. Urine Table Field Name REGISTRATION_NO TEST_DATE APPEARANCE SP_GRAVITY REACTION ALBUMIN SUGAR Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Description ROUTINE ROUTINE ROUTINE ROUTINE ,mg% ROUTINE 33 Hospital Management System Field Name RBCS_HPE WBCS_HPF EPITH_CELLS_HPF CRYSTAILS_HPF CAST_HPF AMORPHOUS_SEDIMENTS SPERMATOZOA OTHERS BILE_SALT BILE_PIGMENT UROBILINOGEN_HPF PORPHOBILINOGEN ACETONE OCCULT_BLOOD PKU BECE_JONES_PROTEINS AMINO_ACID 24HRS_URINARY_PROTEIN 24HRS_URINARY_17_KETOST ERIOD 24HRS_URINVARY_VMA TOTAL_VALUE PREGNANCY_TEST Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPIC MICROSCOPIC SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST Text Text Text SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST SPECIAL_TEST 34 Hospital Management System 14. USG Table Field Name Registration_No Test_Date LIV LIV1 LIV2 GALL GALL1 COMM COMM1 PORT PORT1 PAN PAN1 SPLE SPLE1 KIDN KIDN1 KIDN2 RK LK BOTH BOTH1 Data Type Number Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 35 Hospital Management System Field Name URIN URIN1 N N1 UTER LONG ANTE TRAN N3 ADNE OTH ECHO Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 15. X-Ray Table Field Name Registration_No Test_Date X_Ray_Name Remark_1 Remark_2 Remark_3 Remark_4 Remark_5 Data Type Text Date/Time Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 36 Hospital Management System Field Name Remark_6 Remark_7 Remark_8 Remark_9 Remark_10 Remark_11 Opinion Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 16. X-Ray Values Table Field Name X_Ray_Name Remark_1 Remark_2 Remark_3 Remark_4 Remark_5 Remark_6 Remark_7 Remark_8 Remark_9 Remark_10 Remark_11 Opinion Data Type Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Text Description 37 Hospital Management System 17. Patient Fee Table Field Name Receipt_No Registartion_No Receipt_Date F_Total_Fees W_Total_Fees Receipt_Name Dignosios_Fees XRay_Fees ECG_Fees Lab_Test_Fees Gastroscopy_Fees USG_Fees Indoor_Injection_Fees Colonoscopy_Fees Data Type Text Text Date/Time Number Text Text Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Number Total Fees in Figure Total Fees in Words SELF / Cheque Description 8 Hospital Management System 7. Snapshots 1. Login Form 2. Home Page 39 Hospital Management System 3. Patient Entry Form 4. Prescription Entry Form 40 Hospital Management System 5. Patient Diagnosis History Form 6. Patient Injection Entry Form 41 Hospital Management System 7. Patient Receipt Entry Form 8. Accumulated Receipt Form 42 Hospital Management System 9. P atient Receipt Query Form 10. Gastroscopy Test Form 43 Hospital Management System 11. Biochemistry Test Form 12. Colonoscopy Test Form 44 Hospital Management System 13. Blood Test Form 14. Stool Test Form 45 Hospital Management System 15. Sonography Test Form 16. X-Ray Form 46 Hospital Management System 17. Urine Test Form 18. Test Reports Form 47 Hospital Management System 19. Search By Name Form 20. Search By Date Form 48 Hospital Management System 8. Conclusion The project Hospital Management System (HMS) is for computerizing the working in a hospital. The software takes care of all the requirements of an average hospital and is capable to provide easy and effective storage of information related to patients that come up to the hospital. It generates test reports; provide prescription details including various tests, diet advice, and medicines prescribed to patient and doctor. It also provides injection details and billing facility on the basis of patientââ¬â¢s status whether it is an indoor or outdoor patient. The system also provides the facility of backup as per the requirement. 49 Hospital Management System 9. Bibliography 1. Mastering VB 6. 0 2. SMS hospital. 50
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